
can we turn off the dark lights?

all I want to do is playing with my black kitty and don't think, not even in the food(I eat a lot, I confess).

now I just have tons and more tons of homeworks, pratical works, exams and friends to satisfy. I'm exausted, I feel I can't take it any longer but I have a new trick: while I'm cutting some cracky-stupid paper I imagine as I would be in a fashion studio making templates. It's so much exciting.

5 comentários:

Alice D. Millionaire disse...

these frames are great! they make me laugh out loud! cats are wonderful creatures.

alice d.

Maria Francisca disse...

Olha, querida Mia, assim não pode ser.
Não vais agora abaixo que eu não deixo!
(Aquela música é realmente para dias chuvosos. Estava num dia chuvoso quando a pus.)

Silvana Querido disse...

e o meu sentimento de ontem continuou no dia de hoje. estamos em sintonia. E olha bom truque ;)

Anónimo disse...

nice pic!!!!I love your blog.

fashionpics disse...

happy pics.

/// fashionpics