
I ♥ !

I have a mac, I love mac, mac are amazing,
but this, is FABULOUS.

4 comentários:

su disse...

I have a mac, I love mac, mac are amazing, but this, is fabulous! I want my mac to be like this, garance made me crazy when she posted this. =)

Confessions of a Shopaholic disse...

oh tão giro! onde se vende?

the goorgeous disse...

woooooow! This is trully gorgeous! I have a mac since always and I loooove it soo much! Yours it's really cool! ENJOY IT!

mia disse...

dear S., this is a special edition, it was a gift from p. diddy to peter lindberg. how I would love that we could buy it so simply...

and dear the gorgeous, I would love that this mac was mine...it's not. but I also have a mac!

love you dear readers and bloggers