
once made I want it last for ever

when I get older I want a special one. a smaller one.
in the wrist,
or in the ankle.

6 comentários:

rouli disse...


coooooooool post!!!

lovely pic!

visit and join!



Zaia disse...

that is awsome! i love it a lot, really into those little details ;)
xx, zaia

Unknown disse...

Very lovely dvrling ;)

Anyways - I saw that you commented on Studded Hearts Poison Ivy post, and I'm just letting you know that I did a DIY pastel hair post that you might be interested in :)


Anouk disse...

lovely tatto.
it's a good coice to take a smaller tattoo (in my oppionion) b3cause you newer know... i think i would never want one, but yeah...

mariana disse...

se alguma vez também fizesse uma seria no pulso ou no tornozelo, igualmente. e, claro, esse tipo de coisas tem de ter sempre um significado especial :)

já sigo o teu blog há bastante tempo, adoro! *

Ella disse...

That is freakin cooool!